Monday, July 5, 2010

Be Mindful Of Christ’s Obedience At The Cross

Hi guys, I recently read this article by Joseph Prince and saw this text like Ive never seen it before.

"2 Corinthians 10:5
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Have you ever felt condemned because of the bad thoughts you have had? You could be in the middle of a prayer meeting when suddenly a dirty thought enters your mind. Actually, it is the devil who puts such thoughts in your mind. Then, he steps back, looks at you and knocks you on your head, saying, “How can you call yourself a Christian and still think such thoughts?”

I used to be in bondage over the bad thoughts I had because I felt that I had to confess every one of them and seek God’s forgiveness. But that is not what God’s Word exhorts us to do. You see, God wants us to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. Now, whose obedience are we to focus on? Christ’s obedience and not our own obedience!

But what is “the obedience of Christ”? It is His obedience at the cross, where “by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous”. (Romans 5:19) Jesus shed His blood for us at the cross. This means that when our thoughts condemn us, we are to focus our thoughts on Jesus’ obedience at the cross.

My friend, the devil can only make inroads into our minds when he gets us to focus on our obedience instead of Christ’s obedience. His strategy is to point us to our obedience or the lack of it to determine our standing before God. But just as our position as sinners is not based on what we do, but what the first Adam did, in the same way, we are forever righteous today not because of what we do, but because of what Christ, the last Adam, did on the cross.

So the next time your thoughts seem to condemn you, say, “I am righteous whether I have good or bad thoughts. My righteousness has nothing to do with my obedience. Jesus’ obedience at the cross made me righteous.” Then,go ahead and pray, knowing that you have access to God and His favor, and that He hears the prayer of the righteous. (Proverbs 15:29)"

The Grace of God is so amazing!!
Guys, we must see that the message of the obedience of Jesus to Redeem us is a scandal. The fact that we get the credit of His perfect obedience credited to us as a gift by putting our trust in this Gospel is a huge stumbling block to Religious folk across the planet. Its ease stirs up every kind of demonic opposition toward all who believe and proclaim it.
This Good News releases people from religions control and bondage and moves the fallen "powers that be" ever closer to their inevitable end at the consummation of the ages.

Its no wonder that Grace has been so well hidden and surrounded by controversy, designed by satan to steer freedom searching saints away and direct them to doctrines created by himself that have their focus on "mans required obedience" as an end, instead of the obedience of Jesus Christ.

Lets keep drinking down the Gospel as we invade the darkness with the Scandalous message of our Loving God.

Keep keeping it real
God Blessed you

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