Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gods Discipline

By Troy Thackwray

"Hebrews 12:7 is clear on the nature of God's discipline - that "it is for discipline that you have to endure". Which means that the process of correctly enduring hardship is, infact, our discipline (this word "discipline" is also referred to as "chastened" in some translations, but in the Greek simply means tutorage, education, training - it's got nothing to do with punishment or any form of reaction between God and us, regarding sin or bad behaviour!).

While Hebrews 12:7 describes the nature of our discipline, Hebrews 12:10 describes the purpose of this discipline, which is "for our good, that we may share in His holiness".

There would be many contradictions in scripture if the Holy Spirit was "leading us into all truth" by pointing out our mistakes and failures against an expired covenant of law. Hebrews 12:5 uses an interesting word to further explain this, it says "and you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons...". If discipline was punishment, then the correct word here should be "wrath" and not "exhortation", because exhortation means 'solace: comfort in distress, consolation', how would pointing us to the law (i.e. exposing our sins/bad behaviour) by the Holy Spirit create comfort and rest, when the law "increases sin"?

So the question is, what role does the Holy Spirit play in our discipline then?
Comfort...Strength...revelation of truth...gifts to edify...hope -------- all of this against the enemy!

The new testament says that our battle is not against flesh and blood. It's a spiritual enemy we have, but an enemy nonetheless. However, how awesome is this:
The only thing about the church that poses a threat to the enemy is our FAITH (our dependance and reliance on God). If he can topple that, he can render us ineffective, yet it is our faith in Jesus (Hebrews 12:2(a)) that helps us endure the schemes of the enemy.
If you think about it, why is it that so many christians are, and remain, immature babies? Is it because God's decided not to discipline (train, tutor and educate) those christians? No.
Some christians remain immature and feeble because either they are not enduring, or they are enduring under law (in themsleves and not in Christ (Heb 12:2(a)...actually, see our new covenant :-) ). It is up to us whether God trains/toturs/educates (disciplines) us - "His grace is sufficient"! And a revelation of this truth will explain exactly why we can and should literally "rejoice when facing trials", because as long as we endure them by remaining unshaken on the promises and word of God, the endurance of these becomes our training and equiping (of our character).

Anyone that says that the hardships themselves are infact from God, fail to understand the cross, the new covenant, the nature of God revealed in the new testament and the nature of God revealed in the old testament.
I specifically refer to "the gospel according to Isaiah" hahahaha - Isaiah chapter 53 & 54. Here we see clear reference to the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow, and it's not referring to the glory of eternity [alone], because in this very passage in Isaiah 54:14 we see an awesome promise of peace and protection, and the very next verse highlights 3 spectacular truths:

"If anyone stirs up strife...", well, we wont have to worry about strife in heaven, so clearly these wonderful promises apply to us today (where strife still exists), and not eternity.
This "strife" refers to the enemy gathering together against you (and who is our enemy....?), and God says here that whatever strife occurs, IT IS NOT HIS DOING!
As we remain in Christ, this enemy that rises against us, will fall by us.

Love you guys!"

God Blessed you!!

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