Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Adamic Universalism vs Christianity

Good day everyone!!

Tradition is a very huge tide that moves in one direction. 
Heresy is defined as any thought that stands against what is currently accepted as truth. Jesus himself was an Heretic by deffinition as He spoke and acted very contrary to the norm of His day. Paul was an Heretic, Martin Luther was an Heretic. and these days I delight in being labeled an Heretic too. 
Tradition is not always a bad thing - like celebrating a birthday or special event... But when Tradition prevents  people from being as Free as they were always intended to be then Society needs brave individuals to begin to walk against the tide of that Tradition. 

I know many people like this who have simply fallen in Love with Father and can no longer go with the Flow of Traditional theology.. They have become outcasts to those in the Relligious System but have also become great hope to the rest who couldn't keep up the facade of Religious Christianity.

The Tradition of Adamic Universalism 

Q: Who is the Word of God?
A: Jesus

Jesus told us that our Traditions would nullify the Word of God
When we get stuck in Traditions we leave little room for Christ to be displayed to the world through us. Often, our Traditions restrict any prompting from God (but not always of course.)
Lets have a look and Identify what the mainstream Tradition of  "Adamic Universalism" is:

Traditional Christianity believe's that all of mankind today is born into the consequence of Adams sin - Everyone is born fallen because of Adams sin.
 Nobody is excluded, 
You do not have a say in the matter - You have Adams "sin-nature" imputed to you and God's condemnation follows you all the way to the grave and into all eternity. Everyone is universally condemned by Adams sin.  This is exactly what we used to preach concerning Mankinds natural DEFAULT status from birth)

BUT (continues this Tradition), ONLY If you accept the message "we" preach can you be taken out of 1st Adam and placed into Last Adam (Jesus). It all depends on your decision, its up to you to Believe and Receive. 

Traditional Christianity says that All men were made sinners because of First Adam - having NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER, Not having made a personal decision to be in 1st Adam. Because of Adam, 
Mankind's  DEFAULT position was a "condemned sinner" by virtue of being created in their mother's womb by God himself....

Traditional Christianity LEAVES ALL MANKIND THERE AS A DEFAULT - IN FIRST ADAM  (This is the tradition of  Adamic Universalism).

However, Scripture DOES NOT LEAVE THEM THERE! (This is Christianity)

I see this in Scripture:
"Just as the result of one trespass was condemnation of ALL MEN, in the same way the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for ALL MEN." (Rom. 5:18)

"Since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam ALL died, even so in Christ ALL shall be made alive." (1 Cor. 15:22)

On the THIRD DAY He will raise us up that we may live in His sight." (Hosea 6:1, 2)
It says: "JUST AS" or "In the Same way" as ALL were place into 1st Adam by his sin (not needing faith or having to receive this via a decision), IN THIS SAME WAY through One mans act of Righteousness is Justification and Life GIVEN to ALL men.
The righteous act of Jesus has given LIFE to ALL Men.

Traditional Christianity LEAVES mankind in 1st Adam as a condemned sinner.(this is the Tradition of Adamic Universalism) 
The GOOD NEWS is that CHRIST has "Rescued" ALL MEN from that Default status. (This is Christianity - its Good News)

Grace to you as he leads you to stand up against the Tide of a Traditional Gospel!

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