Thursday, October 11, 2012

Having your OWN revelation

We are in the midst of such wonderful times of Gospel Revelation. It continuously feels like I'm buzzing with excitement and anticipation to see what next God will reveal and which person will start to see the hugeness of the Good News with greater clarity. What an absolute Joy and adventure to share the Good News when opportunities present themselves in the general course of life!!!

As the journey of discovery takes us through some light persecutions for daring to trust that Gods love is bigger than what Religion will allow its members to believe, the pleasure of sharing in God's Joy as person here or a family there "get it" far outweighs it.
Some time ago, one of the things God spoke to me about was the importance of people having their own personal Revelations as opposed to just going along with what I (or any teacher/preacher) said, because great fear can be the result of such a tendency. 

I can see how daunting it can be for someone who may have been under a (or many) orthodox Religious teachings their whole lives, to now hear truth's from Scripture from a completely different perspective (A finished Work/Love perspective). 
On one hand its a Finished Work view of Scripture is extremely liberating, but on the other hand could be dreadfully fearful. Fearful, NOT because of the Good News message, but Fearful of the response of staunch Religious critics. I have, time and again, witnessed fellow brothers and sisters receive the Good News with great Joy in their Heart's but soon enough they are stuck again back in the Religious Machine.... with either "too much to lose" by expressing a different view from the powers that be, Or, they themselves have taught a  different Gospel for so long that to now say... "We were wrong about God all this time" to a congregation who has been providing for their livelihood/ministry may seen like a risky endevour, especially if there is a chance that some paying folk may not agree and leave. (These are real issues and I dont personally dont "look down" on those who choose a career over the Gospel  - God completely understands the fear involved and desires to Love them through it.)
Another reason (for not making a status quo change after seeing the Gospel) is simply not being able to deal with such a vast adjustment in their view of the Gospel from an academic point of view. Its like the truth that their Hearts received as like children and rejoiced over was quickly quenched by their Brain.... their knowledge of what has "always" been taught as truth. "Surely those that taught me couldn't have also been off regarding the Good news..."

To all of this my encouragement for those sharing the Good News is to continue patiently, loving those who seem to be stuck in the system.
To any teachers/preachers who may be a bit fearful to trust any revelation Jesus has given you, in fear of peoples response.... know that Jesus is doing this all over the planet. Trust him, share what He has shared with you, you will find yourself in His comfort. He will look after you!! 

We have forgotten (or were never taught in the first place) to let Jesus lead us as individuals, but instead we have been brainwashed by the Religious Machine to insistently rely on "the men of God" to control and direct our beliefs (albeit sometimes from a loving motive by people who dont know better!!). This type of  teaching is an outright denial of the accomplishment of the Cross, as one of the reasons Jesus died and rose again was that Holy spirit could take up residence in everyone (Acts 2) so He could "lead them into all truth".  But Religion hates to see People free and must therefor put controls and measures in place to stop people being freely led by Jesus. We have been convinced that only the "Pastor" can be right because he hears God more than the rest, so whatever he says goes.... All the while we deny the Good News of the fullness of God living in each individual, deaf to his speaking, leading and guiding us constantly. (I am speaking here of the general case in Christianity today).

Jesus is leading many "pew-warmers" and "ex-pew warmers" to living everyday life being led by Him. I like what my legendary mate, Brad wrote recently on Facebook: "There is only one mediator between God and man, that mediator is not your pastor or leader, not your bishop nor the pope. He is not your home group leader nor your mom, dad, husband or wife. Its Jesus, and being led by him will lead you into the spacious places of your inheritance." - paraphrase.
Anyhow, my point in all this is to encourage you to go with the revelation that JESUS gives you,  and not what a mere couple decades of mans traditional teachings suggests you to do and believe.

Ive been shocked to study historically to find out how young many of our "gospel truth" Christian traditions are - for another blog sometime. (Some of these include doctrines such as "a monthly financial tithe by gentile christians", "the primary role of the "Pastor" in the Local Church", "the modern emphasis on Leadership over local bodies", "the doctrine of an eternal Hell", "Water Baptism", "Some aspects of worship and prayer", "Our 150 English bible translations being the inerrant  and the "Word of God"..... and lots more)

Big Love, Stay free to be who he made you to be!!

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