Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Religion or Relationship?

"Most of Paul’s letters were written because even the earliest believers found themselves trading relationship for religion. Instead of learning to live in the security of his love they would go back to the traditions, creeds, disciplines and laws as an attempt to earn it themselves. He reminded them over and over again, that God’s love would take them further than their own efforts and achievements ever would. But his words often fell on deaf ears then, as they have in generations since....

...Religion offers us the illusion of earning acceptance, but it is only a cheap substitute for the reality of life in him. God’s desire is to engage us in a life-changing relationship. He knew the ‘life-changing’ would come only out of the relationship. Thus he demonstrated his love for us before we did anything to make ourselves worthy of it. By doing so, he wanted us to stop trying to earn it and just live in light of it." Exerpt from "He loves me"

Sometimes we get consumed and obsessed with making the cogs of our religion grind on, regardless of any cost or lives at stake. How often in days gone by have well meaning brothers and sisters sacrificed time with, and needs of: spouses, children, friends or anything or anyone else that would cross the tracks of the religious machine they were obsessed with maintaining....Often completely ignorant of the decaying reality of those closest to them.

Often what started off as a voluntary act of Love, in serving people in a local community, gets transposed onto the individual as their identity from the rest of the congreagtion. The praise and acceptance of those being served quickly takes the 1st place from the Love of God that led them to serve in the first place. Soon enough, because thier actions are not primarily fueled by God's Love, but rather the need to keep people happy (and the value they gain from man fro their service), they find themselves traped and tied into a religious system that 'must keep' grinding on, no matter how many get chwed up and spat out along the way. When one burns out, they are quickly and efficiently replaced - given the praises as the next best thing, and the deathly cycle begings all over again.

How many have felt guilty for "missing a church meeting" because they had a "role to play" to ensure the show went on? How many have felt terrible for "taking a gap" or a family weekend away because they knew that their "church" relied on them?... (perhaps more than their own family!?) How many will "no qusetions asked" prioritize the religious needs of a local church over their own family? How many cant say "No" to church leaders because of a fear of being rejected by them, or have that leaders opinion of them "tainted" with regard to commitment? - But will say "No" to their family events or needs at the drop of a hat to keep local church leaders happy.

All of this comitment may seem noble from the outside, and may even earn one an esteemed place of leadership and honour, but at what cost?....burnt out marraige relationships?.... Children growing up hating "the church" or "God" for messing up thier families. Are we serving Jesus by bowing and scraping to Religious Machine that only recipicates affection and benefits to those from whom it can benefit from?
I'm all for serving our local church communities! But Jesus must be the One who leads us to do so, and when that time is up, and He leads us to give His attention elsewhere, there must be the freedom to do so - even if there is not a replacement for your vacancy!! We CAN TRUST Jesus to build His Church. This happens when we do what He leads us to do - weather its starting something or ending something. Jesus leads us as He sees fit - we can TRUST that!
Religion loves to delay what Jesus has led you to do because your obedience to it damages Satans kingdom. Satan often uses well intentioned brother and sisters to encourage Delaying the thing that Jesus has laid on your heart to do.

If you are stuck in a religious machine with seemingly no way out without the threat of "all the wheels falling off", the best advise I can give you is: Just do what Jesus leads you to do. He is big enough to deal with the "fall-out" and loves every step of journying with you as you grow and learn to trust him, instead of trying to make our own plans.
You - despite others opinions - are not responsible to keep the Religios Cogs turning if you feel your time it up, in serving where you are serving. Jesus will build His Church. Lets Trust Him! Jesus has given us Himself and delights in our undivided affection and has wooed us through His love act on the Cross....

YOU, are far more important to Him than - your kids ministry commitment, your church band dedication, your polished theology, your evangelism programs, your FB and internet blogs, your daily self crucifiction, your "church covering", your prayer meeting or home group attendance, or anything else we sometimes deem as the be-all and end-all of what being a son or daughter is all about. He loves you and wants you to Trust Him to lead you into greater Freedom.

Love to you all!!

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