Many of us resisted the Gospel for a long time - even after being saved! hahaha!
The Good News of God's Righteousness as an absolutely free gift seemed so offensive. It just didn't add up with what most of us had been taught or studied as we "grew" in our Salvation. The offence of the Gospel is most definitely its ease.
As we began to discover the Gospel like we had never seen it before, there was need for the exciting process of having to "unlearn" a whole lot of religious stuff that we had, without even asking any questions, stuffed into our "theological suitcases". For many, this sometimes gradual process of "unlearning" a lifetime of bad doctrine was an absolute Joy because we had caught a glimpse of the Truth, and His beauty had captured our hearts forever more.
To drink down the same Gospel that Paul spoke, lived and died for has become a daily delight to those who have believed it as a child....... This one Man... the Son of God.... clean swapping with me His Identity and taking my fallen, sinfulness in its place.... then He goes to face the wrath that was due to me, and perfectly, permanently satisfies the Righteousness and Holiness of God!! And all because He Loves me!!! ..... I didn't even know Him - never mind love Him - when He did this for me!! And what is left for me to do? Surely I should try pay Him back out of deep gratitude??!! No, he lifts his arms to me and invites me to partake of His Divine Nature and Glorious inheritance..... All as a complete Gift!!!
He says that if I want to even attempt to pay him back, then I have not yet received what He did as a GIFT, because GIFTs are FREE. So many have found rest in Him. Rest from our work that Religious Christianity insisted on in order to prove your faith! But how much MORE is Faith displayed by resting in the Finished work of Jesus?
In the sometimes confusing process of "unlearning" one might have way more questions than answers in the beginning. But Don't fret! It is His delight to lead us into all truth. Just stay convinced of this (and let this be the lenses through which everything is interpreted in the New Covenant): God is Good.
If we reach conclusions in scripture that seems to say, "God is Good.... BUT..." , then we can be sure that our interpretation is INCORRECT. Jesus on the Cross is the Good News that will set you free AND KEEP you Free!
Here is a short message from John Crowder addressing a text that is often used against the Good News by those who are still needing to "unlearn" a theology of an "unfinished" work on the cross that Religion still teaches.
Much Love to you all.
May His grace reveal His Love in and through you to those who don't yet believe the Truth.