The Revelation of the Gospel we are currently seeing and experiencing is certainly not new to humanity, but the fullness of which has certainly been lost for many many decades, if not hundreds or even thousands of years! (I do believe that we will see a greater kingdom manifestation than that of the early church because His is an economy of ever increasing Glory!)
Throughout recent history there have been voices that have risen up with Gospel truth, but have quickly been silenced by main-stream "reformers", and have had rocks heaped on these precious seeds of truth that have within them, the power to gloriously transform the face of planet Earth as we know it!
One of the "rocks" hurled at the Gospel is that people say: know that - "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." - Pro 14:12
I've had people say that to me as I have been talking about the Glorious finished work of Jesus that bring us into a Promise of freedom through the
New Covenant. Especially when we share the Good News that we are no longer under the rules and regulations of "the Old Covenant", and we have been DIVORCED from the Law when we died, in our co-crucifixion with Jesus...2000 years ago!
"But Andrew, the
Bible even says that the
Law is HOLY and GOOD!..... why are you trying to get people out from living under it!!.... God gave it to us after all!!"
Well, lets look at some things....
Holy: Set aside for a purpose.
Good: Perfect, Absolute, undiluted.
Rom 7:5-6 For while we were
living in the flesh (IE... the part that was co-crucified with Christ, and CIRCUMSCRIBED, cut off, removed... GONE, by the hands of Jesus.) , our sinful passions,
aroused by the law, were at work in our members to bear
fruit for death. But
now we are released from the law,
having died to that which held us captive (Through the death of JESUS..... being co-crucified with Him....that was when you carried your cross!), so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit
and not in the old way of the written code.
1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin, and
the power of sin is the law.
So we can clearly see that the ONLY, Undiluted, Absolute, Single-minded purpose that the Law was "set aside" to accomplish was to
stir up sin in man.
There IS NO OTHER FUNCTION for it to serve! It was NOT given to make you Holy or Righteous by your obedience to it, and it is COMPLETELY powerless to do that in you!
Rom 7:9-11 At one time I was alive without any laws. But when this commandment came, sin became alive and I died. I found that the commandment which was intended to bring me life actually brought me death. Sin, taking the opportunity provided by the commandment, deceived me and then killed me.
I have found that people are terrified to embrace the real Gospel because its so different from the substandard mixture of Old and New Covenant that currently holds the tittle of mainline "Reformed Theology". One can certainly understand though,.... having to agree that we were sincerely wrong for so long, that now we actually embrace what we once vehemently opposed!! What will everyone think?... Will they class us as some "Grace sect or cult"? Will we loose most of our friends who feel they have too much to loose to embrace the truth, so they would rather loose us?
Sounds a bit like what Paul must have gone through, considering his pedigree as a pharisee. But one encounter with the person of Grace caused him to consider all else as utterly worthless in the light of the Gospel:
Act 20:24 But I do not
account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus,
to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
So, some may choose to embrace the completed work of Jesus without having a matching theology for now. These are the ones like Paul to whom Jesus said... "It is hard for you to kick against the goads." Goards here refers to a "cattle prodded" (strongs has it as.. "
divine impulse) In other words Holy Spirit was already leading him towards Grace, but he was resisting the inevitable because his Old Covenant theology didn't fit!
Some may want to first systematically sift through the Gospel details to see if they will believe all of it..... or just the forgiveness of sins - (Some believe only enough to be forgiven, but not enough to walk in the fullness of the kingdom).
These are the ones to whom I encourage, in your unbelief.... just believe. Jesus will bring things to light as you go, and grow in grace. But embrace the Good News like a child.
Friends, the Gospel as its being revealed today IS NOT the "way that seems right to a man, but in the end leads to death!!!" The way that seems right to a man, but in the end leads to death is
Rom 7:10 The very commandment that promised life proved to be death to me.
If you are still a skeptic and are not sure about "this whole grace thing", I encourage you - as some already have - to ask questions! Holy Spirit delights to bring revelation and to lead us into all truth.
Grace to you all.... let enjoy the journey into the Gospel